New Function: Lists of Titles that Can Be Read in Full via Subscription, Points, or Free Preview

Thank you very much for supporting Manga Planet.
We would like to announce that you can now check which titles can be read entirely via subscription, Points (individual purchases), or free preview.
The lists are as follows. These links can also be found on the homepage. Click on the respective banners under the banner carousel to access them.
Full Access for Free:
Full Access via Points:
Full Access via Subscription:
We have added these pages in response to users’ comments following our service merger. We apologize for the delay in implementing this change, but we thank you for your patience.
Additionally, our “Read Free,” “Read with Points,” and “Unlimited Reading with Subscription” lists will remain up. Please note, however, that these lists include titles with mixed accessibility methods, such as the first few chapters available via subscription, and the rest to be unlocked with points.
Regarding requests to add functions and features to our service, we might not be able to respond individually to each comment, but please rest assured that your feedback is being relayed within the operation team.
However, due to our limited resources, we may not be able to implement your desired features immediately, and some may be difficult for us to implement. We will discuss the feasibility of your requests and make changes accordingly.
We hope for your continued support.