
Thank You Complex!

School during the hot summer means swimming classes. In his paradise, Eiji Okazawa would be surrounded by topless hunks in the pool if not for one problem: he is deathly self-conscious about his inverted nipple. Trying to hide his little secret, Eiji skips swimming class. Much to his delight, Satoru Yuzumura is also playing hooky. Yuzumura's secret reason being: trying to hide his inverted nipple. After discovering this, Eiji is beyond thrilled and befriends Yuzumura and proposes a secret nipple training pact to help each other "fix" their nipples and rid their inverted nipple complex for good.

November 30, 2020



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How To Raise an Alpha You Love

Koi suru α no Sodatekata

The prominent Kamimura family treasures all of their talented descendants. But this isn't the case for Nio, the only omega in the Kamimuras' long unbroken line of alphas. When the death of his brother Reo and sister-in-law Ruri forces Nio back to the house he left behind, their newly orphaned sons remind Nio of his past - especially the older brother Suou, who inherited Nio's brother's abilities despite not sharing any of his blood. What happens when these unlikely almost-relatives begin a new life together?

November 27, 2020






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That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

Unmei to wa ie Kono Teido

Shirato has always had terrible luck, even with the simplest things. When it seems that he might have a bit of luck going to his usual ramen place, it's stumped by the bawling, but very handsome person sitting beside him. Pitying the poor guy, Shirato offers him his handkerchief to comfort him. Turns out, the handsome person was Tatsuki Kurose, a famous actor and with his presence, it seems that Shirato's fortune has gotten better. But when one night reveals that Tatsuki's feelings for Shirato goes beyond friendship, Shirato's not sure if his terrible luck has gotten worse. Did it?

November 27, 2020






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The Boys Love Comic Artist Buys a Delivery Host

BLmangaka, Shucchou Host wo Kau

Wataru is a BL manga creator with a great dilemma: he doesn't have any experience, in other words, he is a virgin. Determined to gain experience, he has the idea to hire a host where he requests a younger man named Shou. On the day itself, Wataru has second thoughts but Shou proves to be understanding and gentle. As Wataru realizes he's falling for Shou, will their host-hirer relationship get in the way?

November 27, 2020






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TALIM: Nobody Knows About the Dragon's Secrets

TALIM -Dare mo Shiranai Ryu no Hanashi-

Ever since he was a child, Tatsuro had been fascinated by his grandfather's tales of dragons which sustained even when he reached adulthood. Requested one day to hunt a wild beast roaming the mountains, instead of the beast, he finds a person named Talim, who turned out to be a dragon. Apparently, Talim has great curiosity about humans but his difficulty with maintaining his human form prevents him from interacting with them. Thus begins a friendship between human and dragon which may lead to something more.

November 26, 2020






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The Loose Cat Sharpens Claws of Lust

Bitch na Neko wa Retsujou no Tsume wo Togu

Mr. Shinzou Hiruma, playwright, actor, and spokesman of the theatre troupe "Hydra" expresses interest in the up-and-coming actor KYO. But there's a problem - Kyousuke has no repertory theatre experience, and especially not in the stage combat scenes Hydra is well-known for! Can Kyousuke successfully juggle his intense training and make time for his non-celebrity boyfriend Fujishima, or will his admiration for "Mr. Shin" drive a wedge in their relationship for good?

November 21, 2020






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Happiness is Always Beside You

Koufuku wa Kimi no Tonari ni

It was supposed to be the happiest day of Satoru's life - until his bride left him at the altar for another woman! As he struggles to get his life back in order, it's a good thing his old friend Daichi's always there to look out for him - but is friendship really the only reason why Daichi's keeping him here? Or had Satoru's happiness been right beside him all along?

November 20, 2020






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Short Distance Love

Kinkyori Renai

The first time Daisuke had asked Kou to marry him, they were in kindergarten and he was rejected. But it's not like this has stopped him - not when Daisuke's been proposing every year for the past twenty years! Proposing and rejecting has happened so much between them that at this point, it almost feels less like something serious and more like a running joke. Has Daisuke ever thought about what he should do if ever Kou says yes?

November 20, 2020

ITO Natsuo





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R16+ Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Mild Sexual Content

Would You Like to be a Family?

Kazoku ni Nattemimasenka?

Takemura is a distant, workaholic designer in the planning division. While most of his officemates had given up on interacting with him, his loud co-worker Masaki Natsui is persistent on breaking his indifferent demeanor. When one trip to the convenient store leads to Takemura crossing paths with Masaki and his adopted son, Mori, everything changes for Takemura as he is pulled into a somewhat makeshift family dynamic with the two.

November 20, 2020






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The Loose Cat Can't Resist Possessiveness

Bitch na Neko wa Dokusenyoku ni Aragaenai

Kyousuke never thought that he'd ever be content with just one person, but now that he has Fujishima in his heart and on his bed, suddenly everything is different. From soft kisses to sharing spare keys, every first between the newly-minted lovers is uncharted territory, but with both their busy schedules it's been hard to get some time just to themselves. Is this the biggest of their problems, however, when Kyousuke gets a threatening letter in the mail?

November 19, 2020






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The Loose Cat Can't Stand Curiosity

Bitch na Neko wa Koukishin ni Katenai

Model and TV personality Kyousuke believes that there is nothing he can't get through his skills in the bedroom, and with his good looks and sexy body, the world is his oyster! When a staff member rebukes his advances one day, Kyousuke won't just let it slide - but when this Fujishima actually takes him up on his offer, is Kyousuke ready for the feelings he'd end up awakening?

November 17, 2020






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Love DO!!


Writer Mutsumi Eda moves to an isolated house in the countryside because he does not want to spend precious time and effort getting to know people. But efforts are shattered when cheerful Tetsu blunders his way to his house, and maybe into his heart? A fun, heartwarming love story in the middle of nowhere!

November 11, 2020






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King of a Miniature Garden

For as long as Hiiragi can remember, he's been trapped on this island, stuck in a house that's way too big for six people. Hiiragi only finds solace in the arms of his favorite person, his carer Takuro, and the more time they spend together, the more they fall in love. However, little does Hiiragi know, his life's already been planned out for him - and the plan doesn't have any space for Takuro.

October 23, 2020






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R16+ Mild Sexual Content

Now That's a Teacher!

Koji Tsukino returns to his old high school as its new math teacher. From his long hair to his cold, aggressive nature, Koji looks nothing like your usual teacher and everything like the former delinquent he was. Assigned as his supervisor is Mr. Nitta, who used to teach his math supplementary lessons. Koji may pretend to be indifferent towards him, but don't get him wrong - he only became a teacher because of Mr. Nitta! If that's the case, then why won't he just say so?

October 22, 2020






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R16+ Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Mild Sexual Content

An Unmapped Country, Somewhere In This World

Sono Yo no Dokoka Chizu ni Nai Kuni

Intrepid traveler Shin has been to practically every country on the world map, except for the blank space around 500 kilometers away from his homeland. However, the moment he takes a single step forward, he's immediately captured and told that anyone who comes to Oraie can never leave. As Shin carves out a place for himself in Oraie, he gets to know more about its young leader Musutia, who bears the responsibility for Oraie's fate and future on his frail shoulders. He also meets Musutia's beautiful retainer Noe, whose duties often entail giving Musutia a "healing kiss." But is this just a ritual between master and servant? Or is there potential for it to blossom into anything more?

October 17, 2020



Julian Publishing



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Bird and Horse

Tori to Uma

After committing numerous unforgivable acts of violence, the town decides to exile Bromei. The town priest says this was all due to his unlucky birth, his family said he should have never been born, and the town calls him a demon, but here in the Isle of Trees, can he finally be free of all these restraints? What kind of life can he find together with the mysterious army doctor, Fiance?

October 16, 2020


岩澤 美翠




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R18+ Antisocial Behavior

The Uninvited Cat and His Fickle Master

Kimagure Goshujin to Oshikake Neko

Rikuo is a struggling college student who one night finds a person at his front door claiming to be the cat he met at a park weeks ago. Skeptical at first, he tries to ignore the person, but later on, Rikuo cracks and takes in the cat-person in his home and names him 'Tama.' But it seems that 'Tama' has a secret of his own. What will happen when Rikuo finds out?

October 11, 2020



Julian Publishing



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For the Next Act...

Oato ga Yoroshii you de

People are jealous of rookie rakugo performer Akatsuki, whose stage name is Kuroinu Hoteiya, for being the apprentice of the young and talented rakugo Master Koroku. Still, there's a couple of backstage stories none of them know about; that the amazing Master Koroku is the biggest scaredy-cat whose stage fright runs wild before every performance, and that Akatsuki is head-over-heels in love with him!

October 9, 2020






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Scent of Spring

Haru no Nioi

He comes to the flower shop every month like clockwork, with the same request every time, "I'd like a bouquet. I'll leave it up to you." The shopkeeper can't help but notice him and wants to talk to him, but after all this time they've spent not speaking in each other's presence, what good would it do for him to change things around now? A collection of love stories spanning across the seasons.

August 29, 2020



Julian Publishing



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A House Near The Station With A Wizard

Ekichika Mahoutsukai Ikkodate

Tsukasa works in Lucky Seven Real Estate, where he helps his customers - human and magical beings alike - find new places to call home. One of his regular customers is the beautiful, powerful wizard Mizuki, who has one very special request - that Tsukasa live with him! Tsukasa tries to lie his way out of that conversation, but is he prepared for the consequences of lying to a wizard...?

August 23, 2020

IMAI Yuumi


Julian Publishing



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