Secret Love
Shiba Hall is one of the dorms usually reserved for the student activists group 'Rebirth' at Tokyo Shintei University. Yamato and Aki are dormmates of the said hall and are in a secret relationship. They've had their room to themselves up until the present, that is. With a new school year coming, more students have applied to the dorm, and now, they have to share their room with the upcoming students. Due to their busy schedule and organization's duties, their trysts take a back seat, which frustrates Yamato to no end. When the pair almost gets caught due to Yamato unable to control his frustrations, Aki becomes distant, and Yamato is at a loss. Is it all over for them now?
EIWA Publishing Inc.
Amimaru K.K.
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Manga Completed
R18+ Sexual Content
Translator: Brittany Sweet / Amimaru Translator: Brittany Sweet / Amimaru Production Assistant: Emma Schumacker, Joaquin Rozboril, Tiara A., HIKARI / Amimaru Proofreader: Lauren Elyse |
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