Omnibus stories of people who are driven to wild eros and love by the strange disease! PHS (Pheromone Hypersecretion Syndrome) causes sexual arousal in those who are attracted to the patients regardless of their gender. And the intensity of the symptoms increases in proportion to their affection. “Patients are advised to take precautions to stay chaste.” What happens to a businessman who is afraid of a lunch delivery man because of his passionate eyes ? What does a normal guy who uses PHS for his rampant relationships with women do when another guy is sexually aroused by his pheromone? Do the researchers of the medicine who themselves becomes trial participants discover anything useful (apart from their love)? Hilarious and vehement love stories unleashed by the strange disease, PHS! Maybe without medicines next time...
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R18+ Mild Sexual Content Sexual Content
This title was localized and published by TAKESHOBO CO., LTD. The localization policies for this title may differ from those released by Manga Planet. |
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