Obsessed Twins and a Female Sink in Copulation ~Which Do You Choose to Love?~
Shuuchaku Futago to Mesu Ochi Koubi ~ Docchi no Ai, Sosoide Hoshii?
“How adorable. We want you.” Licking my sloppy insides, rubbing it, grinding it… my entire body is under the obsessed twin’s control! On a day like any other, an angel and a devil appear before an office worker named Sumire Momoi. Shiroki, the angel, is here to protect her, but Kaneki, the devil, is here to kill her!! A battle breaks out over Sumire! But, why her!? When she goes to stop them… her body gets hot… is the erotic mark from Kaneki turning her on!? “I love it when you submit yourself to pleasure.” It’s her first, yet his sweet and intense caresses… she’s going to cum…! A female sinks in their relentless, obsessive, fantastic sex…
Mobile Media Research
Mobile Media Research
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Manga Completed
R18+ Sexual Content
This title was localized and published by Mobile Media Research. The localization policies for this title may differ from those released by Manga Planet. |
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