Lay Me to Sleep!
Nemurenai kara Daitekure!
Ever since Hasegawa moved into a new apartment, he has been bothered by recurring dreams “of having sex with an unknown man”...! Worried that his sleeplessness might affect his productivity at work, he reaches out to the previous resident of his new place. Once he realizes the dreams seem to be a glimpse into a future, he decides to go ahead and get it over with! He ends up asking Kuramochi, his colleague and rival at work, to lend him a hand. But he certainly did not expect the real thing to be more intense than his dreams! A love comedy between an experienced bossy extreme sadist and a serious office worker tormented by lewd visions!
Mobile Media Research
Mobile Media Research
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Manga Completed
R18+ Profanity Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Sexual Content
This title was localized and published by Mobile Media Research. The localization policies for this title may differ from those released by Manga Planet. |
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