Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network
Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network
Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network
A covert mission in Shanghai reunites Kusanagi with a wartime rival amid shifting loyalties. The infiltration of an anti-cyberization cult calls for Section 9’s most “human” members to do things the old-fashioned way. A deep dive into the mind of a criminal forces Kusanagi to question the nature of imagination – and her own identity. The stories in Global Neural Network bring a 21st-century perspective to its questions of human identity and the border between mind and machine that made The Ghost in the Shell one of the most revered manga of all time and unleash top Western comics artists on eye-popping action scenes starring Kusanagi, Batou, Togusa, Aramaki, and all the members of Section 9! Original stories by: * Alex de Campi (Twisted Romance) & Giannis Milonogiannis (Prophet) * Brenden Fletcher (Gotham Academy, Motor Crush) & LRNZ (Golem) * Genevieve Valentine (Mechanique, Icon) & Brent Schoonover (The Astonishing Ant-Man) * Max Gladstone (the Craft Sequence) & David López (All-New Wolverine)
Kodansha Ltd.
Kodansha Ltd.
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