Reading Aloud with my Hot Teacher: You want me to read THIS out loud?!
Ikemen Kyouju no Ondoku Choukyou 〜Sensei, Konna Serifu Iemasen〜
Oh no... I got wet! I was reading erotic literature during one of my college classes. And then a super sadistic professor finds me and calls me into his office. "How does reading erotic literature make you feel? Read the book out loud," he demands... His teasing words and erotic descriptions fill my body with ecstasy! This is our perverted, private "reading aloud training" And now this new pleasure has absolutely dominated me... Oh, professor, train me some more!
Mobile Media Research
Pangaea Inc.
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Manga Ongoing
R18+ Sexual Content
This title was localized and published by Mobile Media Research. The localization policies for this title may differ from those released by Manga Planet. |
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