Like a Dream Between the Waves of Bedsheets
Sheets no Aida de Miru Yume Mitai na
【This work has the same contents as the same title distributed by other publishers in the past. Please be careful not to purchase more than one copy.】 "Even though this is the first time we've met, how does he understand everything...?" We exchanged careful caresses and kisses in a hotel suite. He perfectly conveyed his feelings as though he was always searching for me. Having every corner of my body doted on almost made me cry and both my mind and body began melting away... Though Yukino enjoys her work as the manager of a cosmetics store, she still leads an unsatisfying life. One day, she helps someone out while shopping and ends up having a dazzling night... He was making an adorable expression, but just when she thought of pampering him like a cat, she gets caught in his passionate gaze... After being caressed by his beautiful fingers and licked by his lips and the tip of his tongue, all that's left is for him to put it in...
Mobile Media Research
Mobile Media Research
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R18+ Sexual Content
This title was localized and published by Mobile Media Research. The localization policies for this title may differ from those released by Manga Planet. |
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