If It’s You, You Can Undress Me
Anta ni nara, Nugasaretatte Ii
"You don't know what you're doing to me!" He's normally curt and unsociable, but one kiss is all it takes to change him into a hungry animal...! His passionate caress, his breath, the warmth of his touch... could it all be a dream?Hinako is an office worker who has a crush on her coworker, Ogata, but just can't seem to be honest about her feelings. Every day she tries her hardest to be as close to him as she can, but every day her anxiety gets to be too much for her, and she ends up copping an attitude and snapping at him, leaving her with a constant feeling of self-loathing. One night, after getting drunk at an office party, Ogata offers to take her back to her apartment. Drunk, she decides, "I feel like I can be honest with you now," and finds herself kissing him!? Suddenly, Ogata is pushing her down, rough yet tender, running his tongue along her body. It's too good, she feels herself going numb at his touch... could this be the moment she is able to honestly express her love...?
Mobile Media Research
Mobile Media Research
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Manga Completed
R18+ Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Sexual Content Antisocial Behavior
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