My Sadistic Secretary’s Sweet Voice Always Makes Me Come
Do-S Hisho no Toroama Voice de Ikasaretemasu
After the death of his father, Keiichiro steps up to be follow in his footsteps as CEO of a tourism company. But he has an inconvenient secret: hearing a sexy man’s voice always gets him hard. Keiichiro doesn’t know his left from his right, but his private secretary, Kagami, has vowed to mold him into a CEO as per his father’s dying wish. Keiichiro’s other secret? “Just hearing Mr. Kagami’s voice makes me feel like I’m going to come…” Kagami is frighteningly cool-headed, strict, and a bit of a sadist… but his voice is so also sexy that Keiichiro wonders if their meeting is fate. Whether Kagami is praising or scolding him, Keiichiro will do anything to hear that sexy voice! In this complicated love story of romance and pleasure, find out what the future holds for these two men.
Mobile Media Research
Mobile Media Research
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Manga Completed
R18+ Profanity Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Sexual Content
This title was localized and published by Mobile Media Research. The localization policies for this title may differ from those released by Manga Planet. |
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