Romantic Flight
Romantic Flight
"Secret Flight Part 1", "Secret Flight Part 2", "Secret Flight Extra Story": Shiyoh and Sawano are called upon for a special PR trip to Hanashima Island as the representative pilot and flight assistant of Japan Oriental Airlines (JLA). A lovely little getaway for the secret lovers. But what will diffident Yuzuru do when disaster strikes and Shiyoh is in danger!? "Rhapsodic": When a famous Korean actor asks for his flight attendant Aki to show him around, Aki may have been too early to assume that he meant around the city... (Warning: Dubious consent) "Captain Shiyoh's Secret?": Even Yuzuru didn't know... "Mens' Club": In an intense competition of strip-rock-paper-scissors, who will win the coveted trip to Hawaii? "Love and Hate": Oogaki has always wanted to see his half-brother writhe at his own hands' doing. Maybe today he gets that chance... (Warning: Rape, Incest) "Taste Testing": Takahata has just moved to Tokyo, where he believes his dream of finding another man to sleep with will come true... (Warning: Gang rape) "Blond Lover": Yuri Saga is sure he is being called into the office to be fired. But what he finds on the other side of the door is... the CEO's handsome grandson from Spain!? (Warning: Dubious consent) "Someone Like You": The time has come for Natsume to start his first day at his dream job at Taylor Akasaka. Let's hope the owner himself doesn't fire him upon the first blab!
環 レン
Libre Inc.
Amimaru K.K.
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R18+ Profanity Violence Sexual Content Antisocial Behavior
Translation: Melissa Chiam, Caroline W. / Amimaru Typesetting: Joaquin Rozboril / Amimaru Production Assistants: M.J., Giuseppe Fusco, Kana Matu, HIKARI / Amimaru Proofreader: Julianne Dao |
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