Sweetie Agape
Sweetie Agape
Father Lucas seems to attract misfortune wherever he goes. It all started with the fire that took his parents' lives. Since then, he has met numerous pickpockets and swindlers. And now? He has stumbled upon a badly injured man, unconscious in the middle of the woods! Lucas, alarmed, brings the man to the nearest church to tend to his wounds. By some miracle, the man wakes up soon after and seems almost completely recovered, even though the doctor said he might be out for another three days. Just who is this beautifully invincible man!? Has Lucas attracted yet another calamity...?
Home-Sha Inc.
Amimaru K.K.
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Manga Completed
R18+ Profanity Violence Sexual Content Antisocial Behavior
Translation: Lidia Fieraru / Amimaru Typesetting: Hanna S.S.H / Amimaru Production Assistants: Valerie Ho, Giuseppe Fusco, Ottogiro Machikane, HIKARI / Amimaru Proofreader: Taylor Drew |
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