Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs
Oppai no Yure ni Gochuui kudasai
A collection of stories of people who took a bite from the forbidden fruit. "Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs": Ryuichi Handa is not used to the morning commuter trains. When the day comes where he has to experience being packed into a train carriage like a can of sardines, he inevitably topples over and lands... on a heavenly pile of pillowy pecs!? "The One I Long For": Ryusuke Ozaki used to be a world-class rugby player, someone that Ryota Tezuka looked up to. Tezuka admired him so much that he entered the university's rugby team, where Ozaki coaches after his professional career. Little did he know, Coach Ozaki doesn't just oversee the team's rugby skills... (Warning: Sexual assault) "Twin Genes": Chiaki and Chiharu are identical twins and are treated as such until one day, Chiaki finally snaps and dyes his hair so that people wouldn't mistake him for his brother. While Chiaki is adamant about being different, Chiharu convinces him that they are the same. (Warning: Incest, Rape) "Sweet Daze": Even if Dr. Mita still treats him like one, Shoma is not a child anymore, and clearly, his body can prove it. "Sweet Confusion": The continuation of 'Sweet Daze.' "The Abandoned Bride": A secret laboratory on a nameless island goes through a silent eruption, and one human is left behind to take care of the last monster that guns and poisons can't kill. But when the time comes, what will he do in the face of the monster he helped create? "The Lost One's Scars": Nowadays, you can find anyone on the web, even people to die with. That exactly the kind of person Tetsuya sought and found. But a sudden change of plans leaves him alive and cared for, all thanks to his uncanny resemblance to someone significant. (Warning: Suicide) "My Sin, You, and Our Memories": Ever since someone posted Manada's innocent love letter to a girl in his elementary class in front of the whole class to see, he has had a phobia of girls, even through university. Feeling responsible for Manada's social life, Nagase, his friend from elementary school, tries to undo the knots of time. "Beware of Office Romance": The continuation of 'Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs.'
Media Soft Ltd.
Amimaru K.K.
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Manga Completed
R18+ Profanity Sexual Content Antisocial Behavior
Translation: Nikolas Stirling / Amimaru Typesetting: Nikolas Stirling / Amimaru Production Assistants: Emma Schumacker, Joaquin Rozboril, Giuseppe Fusco, HIKARI / Amimaru Proofreader: Pia Salter |
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