Love Ban in the Circus!
Koya is the only son of the circus ringmaster. Growing up has proved difficult for him since he always got bullied for being a child of the circus, making him an introvert and labeled 'boring' by his peers. Now grown-up, he tries to land a decent job that does not involve the circus, with little luck. Having no other options, Koya decides to work in the circus, with his dad being the current owner, as both assistant and janitor. There he meets the fellow workers, including the dazzling, though loud mouthed Suzuki, who too gets on Koya's nerves from day one. Adding to that, it seems that the circus has budding relationships all around. But there is a slight problem: the circus has a love ban!
Home-Sha Inc.
Amimaru K.K.
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Manga Completed
R18+ Profanity Violence Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Sexual Content Antisocial Behavior
Translation: Jennifer Murphy / Amimaru Lettering: Jennifer Murphy / Amimaru Production Assistants: Emma Schumacker, Joaquin Rozboril, Giuseppe Fusco, HIKARI / Amimaru Proofreader: Julianne Dao |
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