He is 10 years Younger Than Me!
10sai Shita no Kare Dakedo
Wakaba Amamiya thought she had her life figured out. At 30 years old, even being tall and having large feet, she thought she would soon marry her boyfriend of five years only to overhear him on the phone, saying, "she's more like a mother than a girlfriend." Heartbroken, Amamiya runs. She runs so much her shoe breaks. Luckily, the local shoe shopkeeper, Takumi Kobashi, comes to her (shoe's) rescue. Saddened that Wakaba can never find cute shoes in her larger size, the young cobbler proposes to make shoes designed with her feet and size in mind. Surprised but happy, Wakaba gladly accepts to help out the young man, but what will Wakaba do when the glass slipper fits?
SHODENSHA Publishing Co.,Ltd.
Amimaru K.K.
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