First Love Story: Sou x Asahi Story
Hatsukoi Signal (Sou x Asahi Hen)
This first novelization of the mega-popular app game First Love Story (Hatsukoi Signal) explores the route between a wicked high schooler and his lethargic classmate outside the game! Second-year high school student Sou Kagaya appears to be a charismatic kid on the surface, but is actually shrewd and calculating on the inside. His life changes when he meets Asahi Nagamine, who lives at his own pace without caring about what people think. What challenges are in store for this mismatched couple's first love?
favary Inc. , YUGI Yukio
株式会社favary , 柚木 ユキオ
Parsola Inc.
Amimaru K.K.
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Novel Completed
R16+ Mild Sexual Content
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