
My First Cat
Office worker Eiko has been doing just fine - she works an ordinary job, lives an ordinary life, but a chance encounter threw her all the way out of her comfort zone and led to her adopting a cat. Will she ever get used to having strong feelings and making her own decisions for the first time in her life? A story of a typical woman and a typical cat who find a new home in each other.
September 17, 2020
Home-Sha Inc.
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Manga Completed
All Ages

Cat Melting Pot
The Iwamichi house has a large, rambunctious family - mother and daughter, ten cats, and one dog. Can this little family keep up with the mess that is sure to follow these many pets with their distinct personalities?
August 15, 2020
Home-Sha Inc.
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Manga Completed
All Ages

Hana Gurui
The anthology lauded by Toward the Terra's Keiko Takemiya as "A manga much like a pomegranate, that brings forth different flavors the more you chew on it, with a dry first bite and a juicy inside." A world where reality gets entangled with illusion and human emotions get entangled with evil spirits gets brought to life in Fumi Shimomura's pseudo-historic horror stories. Includes six stand-alone short stories - "Hana Gurui", "The Grave of Butterflies", "Neck", "Water God", and the previously unpublished "Revival" and "Demon Dance".
December 29, 2019
SAN-EI Corporation
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Manga Completed
R16+ Violence Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Mild Sexual Content
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