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Super Food Bowl

To eat is to fight! There’s only one thing Momotaro High desires—the glory of Super Food Bowl champion! Back from his 15 years of disappearance in Gourmand scene, Kutaro Moriyama started as a coach in the now-weaken Momotaro Gourmand Club. With endless appetite and fierce hungriness, Super Food Bowl brings you the taste of bold men-bonding through delicious gourmet!

September 16, 2024




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Manga Ongoing

R16+ Violence

Gourmet Glutton

At first, Mantaro Ohara was just an ordinary salaryman with slightly bigger appetite. For Mantaro, eating is something to be enjoyed and the idea of food battle does not sound attractive to him. But his meeting in Pork Cutlet store with the professional competitive eater, George Hunter, gradually changed his view and passion towards gourmet competition... And they probably would not let this unexpected "dark horse" escape either.

September 15, 2024




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Manga Ongoing

All Ages

Jadou: The Corrupt Path

World of Ramen has never been an easy path, but "Tenshukaku" sailed to the absolute top thanks to the unbeatable entrepreneur and cooking skill of Tatsuya Kamijo. However, after his sudden death, the wife and the four managers were left with a crisis, not knowing how to keep the monstrous legacy. Around the same time, Goro Sawada, the former salaryman, Mamoru Katsube, the son of a ramen shop, and a college drop-out Shinsuke Hyodo entered the drifting Tenshukaku to achieve their Master Ramen dream. But their ambitions were being hindered by corruption and foul play from within and outside the business... Will they persist the gallant path or will they finally surrender to the corrupted?

September 14, 2024




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Manga Ongoing

R16+ Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Mild Sexual Content

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