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Crocodile Baron

His name is Alfardo J. Donson, novelist and ... crocodile. Together with his very good friend Rabbit Boy, he undertakes gentlemanly adventures in culinary excellence throughout Japan (Sanuki udon in the “udon” prefecture, oysters at an oyster shack somewhere on the Sanriku Coast … you get the idea), encountering other intriguing denizens of the animal kingdom along the way. Whether you love animals, love to eat out, love nobility, or love the book One Stormy Night, your cravings will certainly be satisfied. The gourmet manga you thought didn’t exist and didn’t have now been created! With delightfully drawn talking animal characters, Crocodile Baron demonstrates the absolute importance of good taste and that sometimes it takes an animal to show us how to be truly civilized!

August 21, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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