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That's Why Nursery Teachers Suffer

No matter how in love, no one can evade a classic lovers' quarrel. "That's Why Nursery Teachers Suffer": President of production company Michihito Seta is cuckoo for Yukiho Sawamura, a nursery school teacher 9 years his senior. Although things have been going well, Yukiho suddenly starts acting weird, like exclaiming random maxims during sex, wearing trench coats with the collar up, and so on. Just what has gotten into Yukiho...? (Is he going through a unique mid-life crisis!?) "Under the Stars" & "Dying to Have it": Arata and Riku are roommates turned lovers who can't get any privacy, and Arata has just about had it! Although Riku is always nonchalant about it, when Arata becomes the talk of the town, will the young couple (and their raging hormones) be able to power through? "After All This Time": Chifune and Kuise have been casually continuing their relationship for almost 10 years. They're basically like an old married couple, always bickering. But as time goes on, Chifune starts wondering what they've been doing all these years.

July 8, 2022




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