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Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:life

They definitely didn't start on the right foot, but Ryuji and Makoto have been getting used to their new life together. Makoto wants to help Ryuji for saving his life by finding out more about his past - but little does he know how jealous his lover is about his present.

May 18, 2023




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Manga Ongoing

R18+ Profanity Sexual Content

Dangerous Drugs of Sex

When his fulfilling life goes down the drain, Katsuragi tries to end it all - only to be pulled back by a man he hasn't ever met before. But is he really here to save him, or...? Warning: Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt

May 23, 2021




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Manga Completed

R18+ Profanity Use of Illicit Substances/Goods Sexual Content

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